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affine arithmetic造句

"affine arithmetic"是什麼意思  affine arithmeticの例文  


  • He maintains The Circle ( file system ) and libaffa, a C + + library for computing affine arithmetic.
  • For this reason, affine arithmetic will often yield much tighter bounds than standard interval arithmetic ( whose errors are proportional to " h " ).
  • After moving to UNICAMP, Jorge developed affine arithmetic, a model for self-validated computation ( which he had conceived in 1991 ), in collaboration with Luiz Figueiredo.
  • Affine arithmetic is potentially useful in every numeric problem where one needs guaranteed enclosures to smooth functions, such as solving implicit and parametric surfaces, error analysis ( mathematics ), process control, worst-case analysis of electric circuits, and more.
  • Affine arithmetic is meant to be an improvement on interval arithmetic ( IA ), and is similar to generalized interval arithmetic, first-order Taylor arithmetic, the center-slope model, and ellipsoid calculus & mdash; in the sense that it is an automatic method to derive first-order guaranteed approximations to general formulas.
  • It's difficult to find affine arithmetic in a sentence. 用affine arithmetic造句挺難的
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