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affine cone造句

affine coneの例文  


  • This is the affine cone over the projective quadric " S ".
  • The cone may have multiple branches, each one an affine cone over a simple closed curve in the projective tangent space.
  • The dual curve is a curve in the projective tangent space at the point, and the affine cone over this curve is the Monge cone.
  • Geometrically, this definition means that the degree of " X " is the multiplicity of the vertex of the affine cone over " X ".
  • :If no seven points out of are co-conic, then the vector space of cubic homogeneous polynomials that vanish on ( the affine cones of ) ( with multiplicity for double points ) has dimension two.
  • :If no seven points out of lie on a non-degenerate conic, and no four points out of lie on a line, then the vector space of cubic homogeneous polynomials that vanish on ( the affine cones of ) has dimension two.
  • Since will always contain the whole line through on account of B閦out's theorem, the vector space of cubic homogeneous polynomials that vanish on ( the affine cones of ) is isomorphic to the vector space of quadratic homogeneous polynomials that vanish ( the affine cones of ), which has dimension two.
  • Since will always contain the whole line through on account of B閦out's theorem, the vector space of cubic homogeneous polynomials that vanish on ( the affine cones of ) is isomorphic to the vector space of quadratic homogeneous polynomials that vanish ( the affine cones of ), which has dimension two.
  • It's difficult to find affine cone in a sentence. 用affine cone造句挺難的
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