after body造句
- At first all went well and body after body of the rebels was routed.
- "It's just body after body after body in there, " one rescue worker said.
- After body was removed from the cross and his friends mourned over his body.
- Nearly all streets on the island are named after bodies of water or islands.
- Masked workers pulled body after body from beneath twisted beams and slabs of concrete.
- "It's just body after body after body in there, " one rescue worker said.
- In the River Quarter, authorities fish out body after body with daggers in their backs.
- All districts and major buildings of the town are named after body parts and biology.
- "Malevolence " carves up body after body in a ritual homage to the serial-killer genre.
- Mobs attacked the church of an alleged killer after body parts and decapitated heads were found there.
- It's difficult to see after body in a sentence. 用after body造句挺難的
- "It's just body after body after body in there, " one rescue worker at the scene said.
- "It's just body after body after body in there, " one rescue worker at the scene said.
- He turned up body after body.
- In Japanese people, concentrations are 40 % higher than in Caucasians, or 20 % after body weight correction.
- On Tuesday, experts conducted DNA tests after bodies from the Mosul raid were flown to another location, officials said.
- Firefighters were unsure whether the rural house was occupied until they entered and found body after body, Miller said.
- Rescue workers continued to dig through concrete slabs and debris around the clock but recovered only body after body.
- Rescue workers continued to dig around the clock through concrete slabs and debris, but recovered only body after body.
- However, it was typically dismantled and assembled into four parts : the head, immersion chamber, air flask and after body.
- A sense of hopelessness surrounded the collapsed Ufundi building Tuesday as firefighters brought down body after body on canvas stretchers.