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aided school造句

"aided school"是什麼意思  aided schoolの例文  


  • Whole day , co - educational aided school
  • The panel discussed the furniture and equipment grant to aided schools
  • Government - aided school
  • Under existing policy , there are no provisions for boarding facilities for aided schools
  • Hon yeung yiu - chung raised a question on " teacher - student ratios of aided schools "
  • Hon yeung yiu - chung raised a question on " teacher - student ratios of aided schools "
  • Hon emily lau raised a question on the appointment of former education department staff in aided schools
  • Hon emily lau raised a question on the appointment of former education department ( ed ) staff in aided schools
  • All the money collected from the auction and from friday ' s game will be used to aid schooling for kids in china ' s poorest regions
  • The panel discussed the new and unified funding arrangement for aided schools with effect from the 200102 school year for composite furniture and equipment grant
  • It's difficult to see aided school in a sentence. 用aided school造句挺難的
  • The panel discussed the new and unified funding arrangement for aided schools with effect from the 2001 02 school year for composite furniture and equipment grant
  • A commitment of 1 , 045 . 4 million in money - of - the - day under 28ec for engaging consultants to carry out pre - construction works at 342 aided schools in the final phase of the school improvement programme
    Pwsc 2000 - 01 85建議在28ec號工程計劃下開立為數10億4 , 540萬元的承擔額按付款當日價格計算,以便委聘顧問為最后一期學校改善計劃下的342所資助學校進行施工前工作。
  • Departure from the approved annual adjustment mechanism for the operating expenses block grant for aided schools in the 2003 04 school year and in respect of the capacity enhancement grant , a revised schedule of rates for government and subvented schools
  • A commitment of $ 1 , 045 . 4 million in money - of - the - day ( mod ) under 28ec for engaging consultants to carry out pre - construction works at 342 aided schools in the final phase of the school improvement programme ( sip )
    Pwsc ( 2000 - 01 ) 85建議在28ec號工程計劃下開立為數10億4 , 540萬元的承擔額(按付款當日價格計算) ,以便委聘顧問為最后一期學校改善計劃下的342所資助學校進行施工前工作。
  • Introducing the composite furniture and equipment grant for aided schools with effect from the 2001 02 school year ; developing the basic competency assessments ; and implementing the district teacher network scheme
  • The division also serves as the building services adviser to the director of education and the director of social welfare for installations in non - estate aided schools ( including undertaking major and emergency repairs ) and social welfare entrusted projects respectively
    此外,該部亦就并非設于屋?內的資助學校的屋宇裝備事宜(包括進行主要維修及緊急維修) ,以及社會福利委托計劃,分別向教育署署長及社會福利署署長提供意見。
  • A commitment to upgrade part of 30ec to category a at an estimated cost of 1 , 223 . 5 million in mod prices to carry out improvement works for 40 aided schools 18 secondary , 16 primary and six special schools in the final phase of the sip
    建議一項承擔額,把30ec號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為12億2 , 350萬元,以便為最后一期學校改善計劃下的其中40所資助學校18所中學16所小學和6所特殊學校進行改善工程。
  • A commitment to upgrade part of 30ec to category a at an estimated cost of $ 1 , 223 . 5 million in mod prices to carry out improvement works for 40 aided schools ( 18 secondary , 16 primary and six special schools ) in the final phase of the sip
    建議一項承擔額,把30ec號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級;按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為12億2 , 350萬元,以便為最后一期學校改善計劃下的其中40所資助學校( 18所中學、 16所小學和6所特殊學校)進行改善工程。
  • A commitment to upgrade part of 30ec to category a at an estimated cost of 1 , 758 . 4 million in mod prices to carry out improvement works for 59 aided schools 27 secondary , 27 primary and five special schools in the final phase of the sip
    Pwsc 2001 - 02 106建議一項承擔額,把30ec號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為17億5 , 840萬元,以便為最后一期學校改善計劃下的其中59所資助學校27所中學27所小學和5所特殊學校進行改善工程。
  • A commitment to upgrade part of 30ec to category a at an estimated cost of $ 1 , 758 . 4 million in mod prices to carry out improvement works for 59 aided schools ( 27 secondary , 27 primary and five special schools ) in the final phase of the sip
    Pwsc ( 2001 - 02 ) 106建議一項承擔額,把30ec號工程計劃的一部分提升為甲級;按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為17億5 , 840萬元,以便為最后一期學校改善計劃下的其中59所資助學校( 27所中學、 27所小學和5所特殊學校)進行改善工程。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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