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"akihabara"是什麼意思  akihabaraの例文  


  • He is the typical nerd obsessed with anime and computer games . he always hangs out in akihabara , the ele . .
  • Maid cafes dot akihabara , which has become a second home for tokyo ' s " otaku " - roughly translated as " geeks .
    "女仆咖啡屋"散布于秋葉原一帶,成為東京"御宅族otaku " ,的第二家園, otaku大致可以
  • Adress : suda cho 1 - 25 chiyoda - ku , tokyo public transport : by jr akihabara station , subway awajicho station or ogawamachi station photo only railways item
    交通: jr秋葉原?下車徒? 5分,地下?淡路町?小川町?下車徒? 5分
  • The street has developed rapidly since then . just close to jr and the tokyo metro hibiya line akihabara denkigaiguchi . the biggest wholesale - store street in tokyo
    這里是東京最大的批發商街,小商品雜貨等零售店也很多,一般以定價6 、 7折的價格可以買到。
  • He works as a salesman at an employment agency but is always scolded by his boss . tsuyoshi just happened to be on his way home from an event in akihabara when he met saori
  • Development of the urban infrastructure and conditional sales of metropolitan owned land in the akihabara area effectively used private sector vitality to usher in its transformation into a hub for industrial support
  • In tokyo , the most crowded area with the duty free shops is akihabara , which is known among tourists from the overseas as a place to shop made - in - japan electric appliances that are convertible worldwide at tax - free prices
  • This maid serves not aristocrats but a string of pop - culture - mad customers at a " maid cafe " in tokyo ' s akihabara district , long known as a mecca for electronics buffs but now also the center of the capital ' s " nerd culture .
    這名女服務員接待的并非貴族,而是一群對流行文化著迷的"女仆屋"顧客。這些咖啡屋位于東京秋葉原地區,長期以來被認為是電器發燒友的"圣地" ,現在又是日本首都的"荒誕文化"中心。
  • Tokyo has a wealth of appeal : in addition to unique japanese traditions and culture that you will not find in any western city , we have multinational cuisine of the highest caliber , futuristic urban spaces , and advanced it technology such as that seen in akihabara
  • Satellite facilities of the tokyo metropolitan university in akihabara will be utilized to hold lectures for students and engineers as well as serving as a place for interaction between universities , research institutes and small and medium - sized enterprises , with the aim to encourage collaboration between industry , academia , and the government
  • It's difficult to see akihabara in a sentence. 用akihabara造句挺難的
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