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  • "' Malkhaz Akishbaia "'( Abkhaz politician and the Chairman of Council of Ministers of the " de jure"
  • For the first time after the war, this government is located in Abkhazia, and is headed by Malkhaz Akishbaia, Temur Mzhavia and Ada Marshania.
  • In June 2009, he was elected a chairman of the Tbilisi-based Abkhazian government-in-exile, succeeding on this post Malkhaz Akishbaia.
  • He resigned on June 11, 2009, being succeeded by Giorgi Baramia as the chairman of the GARA . Akishbaia was later appointed deputy Minister of Agriculture of Georgia.
  • Malkhaz Akishbaia, a western-educated Abkhaz politician was Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia from April 2006 to June 2009, when he was succeeded by Giorgi Baramia.
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