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"akishimo"是什麼意思  akishimoの例文  


  • Akishimo is second in line to inherit the Japanese thrown.
  • On this year's National Foundation Day, Prince Akishimo and his wife visited Mishima.
  • Japan's Prince Akishimo and Princess Kiko will arrive in Jamaica Sunday night for a brief tour of the Caribbean nation.
  • The following day a large explosion on " Akishimo " further damaged both ships; " Akishimo " rolled over onto her starboard side.
  • The following day a large explosion on " Akishimo " further damaged both ships; " Akishimo " rolled over onto her starboard side.
  • On 13 November, a U . S . air raid on Manila struck " Akishimo ", then alongside the destroyer at Cavite pier ( ).
  • A direct bomb hit set both ships ablaze, and the following day a large explosion on " Akishimo " blew a hole in " Akebono ", which sank upright in shallow water at position, with 48 crewmen killed and 43 wounded.
  • On 10 November 1944, " Akishimo " was escorting troop convoy TA No . 4 from Manila to U . S . Army B-25 Mitchells during the withdrawal; the ship took a direct bomb hit and lost her bow with 20 killed and 35 injured.
  • It's difficult to find akishimo in a sentence. 用akishimo造句挺難的
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