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"amerindians"是什麼意思  amerindiansの例文  


  • Canadian art, contemporary art, amerindian art, and decorative arts
  • M tis in canada is the offspring of an amerindian and a white person
  • A m tis in canada is the offspring of an amerindian and a white person
  • A supernova is observed by the chinese and amerindians near the star tauri
  • The first m tis were the children of amerindian women and european merchants who engaged in fur trade at red river in manitoba today
  • As already mentioned, the first option will help conserve tropical forests and the cultures of numerous tropical-forest peoples, both amerindian and caboclo
  • This work provided evidence that h . pylori had been transported across the bering strait by the ancestors of present-day amerindians and thus has been present in humans for at least 11, 000 years
  • Although brazil nut is not the major species there, this does show that amazonian agroforest farmers, without government-sponsored extension support, are following the amerindian traditions
  • When we relate this to the large number of migration legends ( to and from cavern realms ) which exist among the native amerindians, then we may conclude that certain tribes possibly still retain intimate knowledge of underground civilizations related to them via distant ancestral links
  • It's difficult to find amerindians in a sentence. 用amerindians造句挺難的
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