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annandale campus造句

annandale campusの例文  


  • The Godwin Building on Northern Virginia Community College's Annandale Campus is also named for him.
  • Bard's Annandale campus serves as an important regional CCS Hessel Museum of Contemporary Art and the Richard B . Fisher Center for the Performing Arts are located on campus.
  • Northern Virginia Community College, the second largest multi-campus community college in the United States, and the largest educational institution in Virginia, has its Annandale Campus immediately to the east of the city limits.
  • The Annandale Campus also houses the offices of The Lifetime Learning Institute of Northern Virginia ( LLI ) a non-profit, member-run organization of adults age 50 and over who desire to pursue enriching cultural and educational experiences.
  • "We've relied upon others to send the message for us, " he told the crowd in the gymnasium at the Annandale campus of Northern Virginia Community College . " And the foreign ministers of Germany, France and Great Britain have gone in as a group to send a message on behalf of the free world that Iran must comply with the demands of the free world ."
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