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approach trestle造句

"approach trestle"是什麼意思  approach trestleの例文  


  • Its total length was including wooden approach trestles.
  • On January 20, 1984, a fire destroyed the approach trestle to the Oak Grove.
  • On January 20, 1984, the North Station approach trestles were destroyed by a fire.
  • The structure consists of one through truss, one deck truss, and an approach trestle.
  • The north approach trestle, piers and falsework for timber spans were driven and a temporary deck laid.
  • After the approach trestles at North Station burned on January 20, 1984, Oak Grove became the inbound terminus for the Haverhill Line.
  • It's difficult to find approach trestle in a sentence. 用approach trestle造句挺難的
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