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"axayacatl"是什麼意思  axayacatlの例文  


  • Expansions during the reign of Axayacatl are indicated in blue.
  • This was followed by the death of Axayacatl in 1481.
  • He was installed as ruler of Huitzilopochco by the Aztec ruler Axayacatl.
  • In 1464, the Aztec king Axayacatl started a to invade the Pur閜echaterritories.
  • When Axayacatl destroyed Calixtlahuaca, he placed the imperial provincial capital in Tollocan.
  • He was installed by Emperor Axayacatl of Tenochtitlan and killed by the Spaniards.
  • In 1468, Motecuzoma I died and was succeeded by his son, Axayacatl.
  • Axayacatl was replaced by his brother Tizoc.
  • In 1479, Axayacatl with 24, 000 warriors attacked Taximaroa and burned the city.
  • Aztec conquest came in 1476 under leader Axayacatl putting the town under the jurisdiction of Tacuba.
  • It's difficult to see axayacatl in a sentence. 用axayacatl造句挺難的
  • The fourth temple was constructed between 1440 and 1481 during the reigns of Moctezuma I and Axayacatl.
  • Its ruler was Cuitl醜uac, born in 1476 as younger brother of Moctezuma Ilhuicamina and son of Axayacatl.
  • This and the city s formidable defenses led to a seven-month siege under Aztec ruler Axayacatl.
  • In 1479, Axayacatl launched a major invasion of the Pur閜echa Empire with 32, 000 Aztec soldiers.
  • Cort閟 and his army were permitted to stay in the Palace of Axayacatl, and tensions continued to grow.
  • Most of Axayacatl's thirteen-year-reign was spent consolidating the territory acquired under his predecessor.
  • Her brothers were emperors Axayacatl, Tizoc and Ahuitzotl and she was an aunt of Moctezuma II and Cuitl醜uac.
  • Alvarado, the conquistadors and the Tlaxcalans retreated to their base in the Palace of Axayacatl and secured the entrances.
  • In 1472, Axayacatl re-conquered the region and successfully defended it from Pur閜echa attempts to take it back.
  • Axayacatl was so impressed with the song, he adopted Aquiauhtzin as his own son and gave him inheritance rights.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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