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"babi"是什麼意思  babiの例文  


  • Babi child : i hope to meet one with same fancy and coincident destiny
  • And french scientists have gone a step further , showing that a fetus who ' s been hearing the same sound repeated ( " babi , babi " ) will react to a sudden reversal of its elements ( " biba , biba " )
    法國的科學們更進了一步,指出重復聽同樣語音( "寶貝,寶貝" )的胎兒會對這一語音成份的突然改變( "貝寶,貝寶" )作出反應。
  • It's difficult to find babi in a sentence. 用babi造句挺難的
如何babi造句用babi造句babi in a sentence和babi的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。