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"bacca"是什麼意思  baccaの例文  


  • And he must have a fire in the middle of summer ; and joseph s bacca pipe is poison ; and he must always have sweets and dainties , and always milk , milk for ever - heeding naught how the rest of us are pinched in winter ; and there he ll sit , wrapped in his furred cloak in his chair by the fire , some toast and water or other slop on the hob to sip at ; and if hareton , for pity , comes to amuse him - hareton is not bad - natured , though he s rough - they re sure to part , one swearing and the other crying
  • It's difficult to find bacca in a sentence. 用bacca造句挺難的
如何bacca造句用bacca造句bacca in a sentence和bacca的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。