banking and insurance services造句
- The " separation system " , which came into being after the " glass - steagall act " , represents the separation of commercial banking , investment banking and insurance services . the " combination system " , which is just the opposite concept , has two meanings . one relates to the combination of financial services in the same legal person , while the other relates to the combination of shareholding rights of several subsidiaries providing difference services
與“分業”相對應的"混業"有兩層意義:第一層含義是金融業務的混合、交叉經營,即業務的混業,典型的代表是德國的全能銀行制; "混業"的第二層含義是金融控股權的混業,即在金融控股公司里有多個法人子公司,它們統一被控制在一個母公司之下,但彼此之間實行"分業經營,分業管理" 。 - It's difficult to find banking and insurance services in a sentence. 用banking and insurance services造句挺難的
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