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"belcourt"是什麼意思  belcourtの例文  


  • Belcourt is one of the athletes who will not be ignored.
  • "Belcourt is today's Dingley Dell ."
  • In 1992, Belcourt was given the privilege by the Rt.
  • Another, Belcourt Castle, is a privately owned house museum.
  • At Oklahoma State, Belcourt was an accomplished but never dominant runner.
  • Belcourt, long a gathering center for " Afghans,"
  • Belcourt has long been considered a stronghold of Islamic insurgents.
  • In 1940, Belmont decided to rid himself of Belcourt.
  • Belcourt was born in the M閠is community of Lac Ste.
  • In March 1859, Belcourt left North Dakota to return to Canada.
  • It's difficult to see belcourt in a sentence. 用belcourt造句挺難的
  • A big black Lexus SUV pulls onto Belcourt Avenue.
  • Alex Belcourt, as a most gymnastic French maid, completes the cast.
  • In 1943, Waterman sold Belcourt to Edward Dunn.
  • The Speaker was first Louis Philippe Brodeur, and later Napol閛n Antoine Belcourt.
  • The Belcourt to Algiers which will be renamed Belouizdad.
  • In September 2015, the Belcourt Campaign was announced to renovate the theatre.
  • In May 1874, Belcourt was forced to retire due to ill health.
  • Belcourt expanded the Council through development and grant writing.
  • Donnie Belcourt had no phone, so the message arrived through the tribal police.
  • But Weis offered Belcourt a full scholarship at Oklahoma State and he took it.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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