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"belcredi"是什麼意思  belcrediの例文  


  • Belcredi worried that an accommodation with the Magyar interests would alienate the other nationalities.
  • Belcredi worried that an accommodation with the Hungarian interests would alienate the other nationalities.
  • In the ensuing altercation Henry stabs Belcredi.
  • Henry mistakes the disguised Belcredi for the monk Peter Damian and reacts angrily, but is later calmed.
  • Upon learning of this revelation the visitors confront Henry, who acts angrily to them, particularly Belcredi.
  • In 1867 the Chairmen of the Ministers'Conference Count Richard Belcredi appointed him Upper Austrian stadtholder at Linz.
  • Act two begins with speculation among the visitors about Henry, as well as what he sees in Matilda, who argues constantly with Belcredi.
  • Steve Olson, a graduate of the exclusive Cordon Bleu culinary institute in France, and fiancee Sandra Belcredi are co-owners of a restaurant and catering service in Positano, Italy.
  • In an effort to shore up support for the monarchy, Emperor Count Belcredi, advised the Emperor to make a more comprehensive constitutional deal with all of the nationalities that would have created a federal structure.
  • It's difficult to find belcredi in a sentence. 用belcredi造句挺難的
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