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"brandenburg"是什麼意思  brandenburgの例文  


  • Since i knew gauleiter sturtz of brandenburg quite well, i was able to quash the affair .
  • The brandenburg gate is the symbol of german unification
  • Of the brandenburg gate , a storch light plane landed
  • . . . of the brandenburg gate , a storch light plane landed
    . .降落在勃蘭登堡門前面的大街上。
  • The brandenburg gate in berlin was reopened , signifying the reunion of east and west germany
  • At the brandenburg gate in berlin , addressing a speech to soviet leader mikhail gorbachev , june 1987
  • The opening ceremony for the 2006 world cup will be held at the brandenburg gate , berlin ' s best known symbol
  • Information about historical places in berlin , potsdam and brandenburg . pictures and history of palaces and parks
  • Isomontage brandenburg gmbh offer to you insulation and insulation work in addition also info on fire protection islotaion
    Isomontage brandenburg gmbh作為一家具有豐富經驗的經濟型企業,為您提供防火絕緣材料,絕緣工作,絕緣、隔離范圍內效果顯著的、高價值的產品。
  • The environmental group said the whales and dolphins on show at the brandenburg gate had been collected from european beaches , demonstrating that many were killed during commercial fishing or in accidents with ships
  • It's difficult to see brandenburg in a sentence. 用brandenburg造句挺難的
  • He has once again effortlessly accomplished the difficult balance between serious music and swinging jazz bach s brandenburg concerto no . 5 as performed by this jazz trio accompanied by werneck chamber orchestra has become one of the most exciting fusions ever between jazz and classical music
    他再次輕而易舉地在嚴肅音樂和搖擺爵士樂之間取得難得的平衡這隊爵士樂三人組演繹巴赫的《布蘭登堡第五號協奏曲》 (由威爾尼克室樂團伴奏) ,是古典音樂和爵士樂最動聽的混合演繹。
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