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chronicle of eusebius造句

chronicle of eusebiusの例文  


  • For 120 saroi make 2222 years according to the Chaldeans'reckoning, if indeed the saros makes 222 lunar months, which are 18 years and 6 months . " The information in the Suda in turn was derived directly or otherwise from the Chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea, which quoted Berossus . ( Guillaume Le Gentil claimed that Halley's usage was incorrect in 1756, but the name continues to be used . ) The Greek word apparently comes from the Babylonian word " sru " meaning the number 3600.
  • The story is based on references by 3rd century writer Hippolytus of Rome in " On Apostles ", mentioning Saint Andrew's voyage to Scythia and on works by several authors which also mention the voyage, such as : Eusebius in the Chronicles of Eusebius, Origen in the third book of his Commentaries on the Genesis ( 254 C . E . ), Usaard in his Martyrdom written between 845-865, and Jacobus de Voragine in the " Golden Legend " ( c . 1260 ).
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