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clue cell造句

"clue cell"是什麼意思  clue cellの例文  


  • It is associated microscopically with clue cells, which are epithelial cells covered in bacteria.
  • Another method is to reduce clue cells based on some problem solving strategies step by step.
  • Once a clue cell has been shaded, the clue plays no further part in solving the puzzle.
  • One possible way to determine a partitioning is to choose the lead clue cells which have no common neighbors.
  • This leads to the fact that the two variable cells on the bottom row around the clue cell must have hidden objects.
  • The clue cell marked red with value "'1 "'does not have any remaining neighbor that can include a hidden object.
  • One of the simplest method is to set a ratio of the number of the clue cells to the total number of the cells on the board.
  • Each clue cell, a cell with blue background in Figure 1, contains a positive number corresponding to the number of its neighbors that have hidden objects.
  • The stars may only appear in cells that do not have numbers, but they may be placed in cells that are not adjacent to any clue cell.
  • The player must deduce from this information which cells contain stars, and mark each non-clue cell of the grid as being either a star or empty.
  • It's difficult to see clue cell in a sentence. 用clue cell造句挺難的
  • One generic way is to represent the right side of an equation as a clue in a cell ( clue cell ), and the neighbors of a clue cell as variables.
  • One generic way is to represent the right side of an equation as a clue in a cell ( clue cell ), and the neighbors of a clue cell as variables.
  • "' Board puzzles with algebra of binary variables "'ask players to locate the hidden objects based on a set of clue cells and their neighbors marked as variables ( unknowns ).
  • An evaluation of clue cells is one method of assessing vaginosis; this assessment is performed by mounting clue cells and vaginal discharge onto a slide then adding sodium chloride followed by a microscopic assessment which involves bacteria identification.
  • An evaluation of clue cells is one method of assessing vaginosis; this assessment is performed by mounting clue cells and vaginal discharge onto a slide then adding sodium chloride followed by a microscopic assessment which involves bacteria identification.
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