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comparametric equation造句

comparametric equationの例文  


  • Comparametric equations have been used in many areas of research, and have many practical applications to the real world.
  • Comparametric equations arise naturally in signal processing when we have multiple measurements of the same phenomenon, in which each of the measurements was acquired using a different sensitivity.
  • Photoquantities are often involved in the solutions to comparametric equations, appear in research papers dealing with image processing, and are also used in the production of visual art made from multiple differently illuminated pictures of the same subject matter.
  • It's difficult to find comparametric equation in a sentence. 用comparametric equation造句挺難的
如何comparametric equation造句用comparametric equation造句comparametric equation in a sentence和comparametric equation的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。