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comparative advantage theory造句

"comparative advantage theory"是什麼意思  comparative advantage theoryの例文  


  • Cost or added - valued principle the development of comparative advantage theory
  • The development and its revelation of modern comparative advantage theory
  • A further study on comparative advantage theory and economic globalization of china
  • On specialized labor division of small enterprise cluster based on comparative advantage theory
  • The traditional comparative advantage theory consists of comparative cost theory and h - o theory
  • The falsity of comparative advantages theory and the historical experiences on industrialization in china
  • According to the comparative advantage theory , the companies should concentrate on the business which is comparatively advantageous
  • But the way that these theories analyze the comparative advantage is static . so these theories belong to the static comparative advantage theory
  • The thesis approve it is correct to handle the comparative advantage theory in bidding by the pensterself ' s participating
  • The prevailing comparative advantage theories are based on the cost principal , i . e . those who produce with the lower opportunity costs can obtain comparative advantage
  • It's difficult to see comparative advantage theory in a sentence. 用comparative advantage theory造句挺難的
  • As the core of the theoretical development , this chapter includes traditional comparative advantage theory and new trade concepts as well as their opinions about industrial competition
  • The second part makes a concrete analysis of the problems the developing countries would face if they organize producing and trading according to the static comparative advantage theory
  • The dynamic comparative advantage theory is mainly about the long - term change tendency of the comparative advantage and the decisive factors which cause the change of the comparative advantage
  • Comparative advantage theory based on architecture oranges from japan provides a new visual angle for understanding and analyzing the structure of comparative advantage of world
  • However , with the developing of science and technology , the importance of the factor cost is decreasing , the comparative advantage theory and elements theory encountered numbers of unexplained issues
  • So first the thesis analyzes the exiting comparative advantage theory and the definition and theory of higher education service trade . attention is paid to the discussion of comparative advantage theory in the field of education service trade
  • The presentation of " innovation comparative advantage " not only provides a new consideration to the classic immovable comparative advantage theory , but also builds an important theoretic base for innovation of supply function of textile of our country
  • The thesis has five parts altogether : the first part reviews the history of the static comparative advantage theory and the dynamic comparative advantage theory at first and points out their different influences on the developing countries " economic development
  • Serving as the guide to the foreign trade in china , the newly comparative advantages theories can thus help to solve the current problems such as the gradual loss of china ' s cost advantages and the ensuing restraint on china ' s foreign trade and frequent trade frictions
  • Comparative advantage and competitive advantage are not same either . comparative advantage has its own representations and essentials . the investigation of comparative advantage origin is an organic part of comparative advantage theory
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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