corporation for education network initiatives in california造句
- The Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California ( CENIC ) named ESnet as a recipient of the 2015 Innovations in Networking Award for High-Performance Research Applications for their 100-Gigabit Software-Defined Networking ( 100G SDN ) Testbed.
- Stanford is a founding and charter member of CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, the nonprofit organization that provides extremely high-performance Internet-based networking to California's K-20 research and education community.
- The CCCS is a founding and charter member of CENIC, the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, the nonprofit organization which provides extremely high-performance Internet-based networking to California's K-12 research and education community.
- The "'Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California "'( "'CENIC "') is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1996 to provide high-performance, high-bandwidth networking services to California universities and research institutions.
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