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"dangdut"是什麼意思  dangdutの例文  


  • I started out singing dangdut and have been labelled a dangdut singer.
  • I started out singing dangdut and have been labelled a dangdut singer.
  • Warner's ` dangdut'beat, NEW STRAITS TIMES
  • A parallel can also be drawn where dangdut and nasyid are concerned.
  • Here we gooo ! from Dangdut Malaysia . . .,
  • Titiek pointed out that dangdut songs have been embraced by many people.
  • Indonesia's self-styled " King of Dangdut"
  • The awards ceremonies will held theme for " Bangga Dangdut Indonesia ".
  • The awards ceremonies will held theme for " Dangdut Untuk Semua ".
  • It's difficult to see dangdut in a sentence. 用dangdut造句挺難的
  • Dangdut is only suitable for unglamorous funfairs and weddings.
  • Now, what if dangdut suddenly loses its appeal?
  • Tap your feet to the dangdut beat, NEW STRAITS TIMES-MANAGEMENT TIMES
  • The influence is strongly visible in the traditional popular music genre of Dangdut.
  • For the role, Kamal took vocal coaching in both pop and dangdut.
  • Dangdut is not " classy " enough to be played at discotheques.
  • I have not seen one disappointing representative from that country-where dangdut originates.
  • The popularity of Dangdut peaked in the 1990s.
  • Besides orkes Melayu, the primary musical influence on dangdut was Indian Bollywood music.
  • Dangdut is a very popular music genre among the " Pribumis " across Indonesia.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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