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"dangeard"是什麼意思  dangeardの例文  


  • Louis Dangeard was born on April 29, 1898 in Poitiers.
  • Louis Dangeard was one of the founders of modern oceanography.
  • Dangeard's main focusof research was the investigation of the seabed.
  • Pierre Dangeard was born on 18 February 1895 in Poitiers, France.
  • After his military service and his recovery Dangeard continued his nature studies.
  • From 1915 to 1918 Dangeard fought in the First World War and was wounded.
  • In October 1924 Dangeard was married to Madeleine Colin ( 1899-1944 ).
  • His brother was the botanist Pierre Dangeard.
  • Dangeard was the second of four siblings.
  • After receiving a baccalaureate, Dangeard began to study biology at the University of Paris.
  • It's difficult to see dangeard in a sentence. 用dangeard造句挺難的
  • His wife died in 1980, and Dangeard died in 1987 at the age of 88.
  • By January 1926, Louis Dangeard had married the 22-year-old Louise Marie Joseph Marcille ( 1902 to 1980 ).
  • He is thought to have worked closely with his brother, geologist and oceanographer Louis Dangeard, who also took part in marine expeditions.
  • Vice-Chairman Frank Dangeard will be named Chairman while Chief Operating Officer Charles Dehelly will be named Chief Executive Officer, the company said.
  • Louis Dangeard studied geology in Paris and, in 1919 moved to the scientific faculty of the University of Rennes working as an academic assistant.
  • After his retirement from the chair of the Department of Botany at Bordeaux University, Dangeard lived in Pl閚euf-Val-Andr? Brittany.
  • In succession to his father, who died in 1947, Pierre Dangeard was editor of the botanic journal " Le Botanist ".
  • As of March 31, 2011, the Board of Directors consisted of Frank Dangeard, Jim Wilson, Tom Virden, Gene Davis, Alexandra Fichelson.
  • In 1909 the family moved to Paris after Dangeard's father was offered and accepted a position at the prestigious " Academie des Sciences ".
  • As of August 2014, the Board of Directors consisted of Fr閐閞ic Chesnais ( chairman ), Frank Dangeard, Tom Virden, Erik Euvrard, and Alyssa Padia Walles.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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