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"dangeau"是什麼意思  dangeauの例文  


  • He was first proposed in 1682, but was rejected for Marquis de Dangeau.
  • Born in Dangeau, he is most remembered for keeping a diary from 1684 until the year of his death.
  • She was the grand daughter of Philippe de Courcillon, better known as the " marquis de Dangeau ".
  • Improvements were made to celebrate the marriage of Hercule M閞iadec to Marie Sophie de Courcillon, granddaughter of the famous marquis de Dangeau.
  • In 1515, he obtained the benefice of Notre-Dame de Sanchez, Cahors, and in 1517, the benefice of Dangeau.
  • Her paternal grandfather was Philippe de Courcillon, the famous " marquis de Dangeau " and memoir writer of the court of Louis XIV.
  • In 1689, according to the memoirs of the " marquis de Dangeau ", Anne Genevi鑦e was a proposed bride for Jacques Henri de Durfort ( 1670-1697 ),
  • Following her death from cancer on 7 May 1718, Mary was remembered fondly by her French contemporaries, three of whom, Elizabeth Charlotte of the Palatinate, the Marquis of Dangeau, deemed her a " saint ".
  • Dangeau noted in his diary dated Saturday, 4 January 1716 : " There was ball in the evening in the hall of the Opera, the Duchess of Berry and many other princesses were there masked ".
  • The 325 started its run at 9 : 51 from Dangeau and accelerated for 15 minutes, achieving a top speed of 515.3 km / h ( 320.3 mph ) at the bottom of the hill at kilometer post 166.8.
  • It's difficult to see dangeau in a sentence. 用dangeau造句挺難的
  • For this reason Charpentier was the preferred sculptor for the war memorials of Boll鑞e, Roquemaure, Sainte-C閏ile-les-Vignes and Saint-Paul-Trois-Ch鈚eaux, all in the region of his birth, whilst his adopted region commissioned him to carry out the sculptural work on the war memorials of B関ille-le-Comte, Bonneval, Brou, Chassant, Combres, Dangeau, Fr閠igny, Frunc?and Unverre.
  • Besides, Thursday, January 19, 1702, Rigaud is seeking a new session, as evidenced by the Marquis de Dangeau : " The King, who was consulting point to hold, had the morning patience to be completed in paint Madame de Maintenon by Rigaud; it sends this portrait the King of Spain, who had urged in " 9 . " The King's portrait was exposed in the large apartment Versailles; he is level with the royal coat.
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