defensive quality造句
- From " defensive quality " to " offensive quality
從"防守型品質"到"進攻型品質 - Then , we will move for a midfielder , in the style of patrick vieira , with great defensive qualities
“然后,我們將會引進一名具有超強防守能力的中場,他是和帕德里克?維埃拉同一類型的球員。 - England are blessed with a plethora of central defensive quality , but with terry joining ledley king , sol campbell and gary neville in the treatment room eriksson ' s options are limited
英格蘭高水平的中后衛云集,但是特里也加入了萊德利。金,坎貝爾,和加利。內維爾的療傷行列,這讓埃里克松的選擇空間有限。 - It's difficult to find defensive quality in a sentence. 用defensive quality造句挺難的
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