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degrees north造句

degrees northの例文  


  • The site is about 19 degrees north of the Martian equator.
  • It decreased smoothly northward, up to about 50 degrees north.
  • It lies around 7 degrees north-northwest of Alpha Arietis.
  • The scenery spans from 70 degrees south to 74 degrees north.
  • I thought 90 degrees North * is * the North Pole.
  • Late-season hurricanes primarily develop north of latitude 10 degrees north.
  • Showers and thunderstorms will fall between the equator and 10 degrees north.
  • Its radiant is located 7 degrees north of Beta Bo鰐is.
  • Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is at 46 degrees north latitude.
  • Kennedy Space Center is at 28.5 degrees north.
  • It's difficult to see degrees north in a sentence. 用degrees north造句挺難的
  • The voyage eventually reached 28 degrees north near the Isla de Cedros.
  • In the north, highway 40, around 24 degrees north latitude.
  • On July 20, 1764, 45 degrees north latitude.
  • Its coordinates are 33 degrees north, 117 degrees west.
  • Ohio was only about 5 degrees north of the equator.
  • Most of the icebergs are at 45 degrees north latitude, Rice said.
  • Morocco is between 27 degrees and 37 degrees north.
  • Austin's latitude is about 30 degrees north.
  • It put the test site at 27 degrees north and 72 degrees east.
  • Beijing had said the balloonists could cross China below 26 degrees north latitude.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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