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"dwarfish"是什麼意思  dwarfishの例文  


  • Her dwarfish spouse still smoked his cigar and drank his rum without heeding her .
  • It was plain to him that this dwarfish spy, who took a malign delight in his employment, would lose not time in bearing it to his master, the baron .
  • Analysis on effectiveness of child dwarfish treated with china - made recom - binant human growth hormone
  • Dwarfish aster in an unknown variety . its bloom anticipates that of the other asters of a big week
  • It was plain to him that this dwarfish spy , who took a malign delight in his employment , would lose not time in bearing it to his master , the baron
    他心里很明白,那個狂熱的、盡職的矮探子,一定會馬上把這東西獻給他的主人- -男爵。
  • It's difficult to find dwarfish in a sentence. 用dwarfish造句挺難的
如何dwarfish造句用dwarfish造句dwarfish in a sentence和dwarfish的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。