- columbia university department of civil engineering and engineering mechanics From 1989 to 1995, Tang was an Adjunct Professor at the Columbia University Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.
- southern polytechnic college of engineering and engineering technology On July 1, 2015, the new combined institution Kennesaw State University established the "'Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology "'in memorial of the former......
- 氧化鈥 發射光譜法測定氧化釓氧化鋮氧化鈥氧化鉺和氧化釔量 氧化鑭氧化鈰氧化鐠氧化釹氧化釤氧化銪氧化釓氧化鋱氧化鏑氧化鈥氧化鉺氧化銩氧化鐿和氧化镥量的測定 電感耦合等離子體發射光譜法測定氧化釓中氧化鑭氧化鈰氧化鐠氧化釹氧化釤氧化銪氧化鋱氧化鏑氧化鈥氧化鉺氧化銩氧化鐿氧化镥和氧化釔量 電感耦合等離子體發射光譜法測定氧化鈥中氧化鑭氧化鈰氧化鐠氧化釹氧化釤氧化銪氧化釓氧化鋱氧化鏑氧化鉺氧化......
- 腔鏡鈥激光 腔鏡鈥激光是指在通過膀胱鏡、輸尿管鏡或經皮腎鏡看到結石后,只需將光纖直接接觸結石表面激發激光即可將結石粉碎。
- 鈥 輸尿管鏡鈥激光碎石術治療輸尿管結石 結果:國產鈥激光治療輸尿管結石55例59枚獲得成功,效果滿意。 方法:對26例小兒輸尿管結石患者采用輸尿管鏡下氣壓彈道碎石或鈥激光碎石進行治療。 實驗過后,灰棕鈥和西伯利亞虎的攻擊能力程度將一目了然。 結論:國產鈥激光治療輸尿管結石的療效滿意,且價格便宜,值得臨床推廣應用。 發射光譜法測定氧化釓氧化鋮氧化鈥氧化鉺和氧化釔量 ......
- 鈥的 定義:以摻鈥的氟化釔鋰晶體為工作物質的激光器。 其后1886年布瓦博德朗又從鈥中分離出了另一元素,但鈥的名稱被保留了。 盡管如此,鈥的某些罕見的磁性特征使人們對其未來應用前景寄予厚望。 3,摻鈥的釔鋁石榴石(Ho:YAG)可發射2μm激光,人體組織對2μm激光吸收率高,幾乎比Hd:YAG高3個數量級。 (3)、摻鈥的釔鋁石榴石(Ho:YAG)可發射2μm激光,人體組織對2μ......
- 鈥玻璃 常用汞燈中的較強譜線237.83nm、253.65nm、275.28nm、296.73nm、313.16nm、334.15nm、365.02nm、404.66nm、435.83nm、546.07nm與576.96nm,或用儀器中氘燈的486.02nm與656.10nm譜線進行校正,鈥玻璃在279.4nm、287.5nm、333.7nm、360.9nm、418.5nm、460......
- 鈥激光 鈥激光碎石讓患者遠離了排石之苦。 等,通過鈥激光能達到微創治療效果。 輸尿管鏡鈥激光碎石術治療輸尿管結石 4.與開放、電切、鈥激光相比手術時間短。 鈥激光采用脈沖發射,汽化燒灼髓核組織。 鈥激光波長μ,。 泌尿外科鈥激光專家,畢業于白求恩醫科大學。 一、鈥激光碎石:是目前國際上最先進的方法。 用鈥激光治療青光眼,可以減少患者手術的痛苦。 格賽特鈥激光腔內碎石術:粉碎泌尿結石......
- 鈥激光碎石術 輸尿管鏡鈥激光碎石術治療輸尿管結石 在天津市率先開展輸尿管鏡下鈥激光碎石術、美國綠激光選擇性光前列腺汽化術等。 6、結石大于3厘米及部分鹿角樣結石,以及多發性結石,鈥激光碎石術為治療的首選。 1、微創輸尿管鏡、經皮腎鏡鈥激光碎石術,對各種泌尿系結石進行腔內碎石,提高碎石效果,成功率高。 由于鈥激光碎石術具有碎石迅速、無痛安全按、康復周期短等優點,因此被譽為當前泌尿系結石治療......
- 202d engineering installation squadron The 202d Engineering Installation Squadron can mobilize to provide combat communication installation and support anywhere in the world. In 1982, the 202d changed to its present name, "'202......
- 202nd engineering installation squadron The 202nd Engineering Installation Squadron is the lead unit, and joined with sister Engineering Installation Squadrons ( EIS ) from Tennessee, Missouri and Louisiana for a three-month rot......
- 251st cyberspace engineering installation group The United States Air Force's "'251st Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group "'( "'251 CEIG "') is an Air National Guard engineering installation unit located at Springfield ANGB, Ohio.......
- 253d cyberspace engineering installation group Other units include the wing's 101st Air Operations Squadron, the 253d Cyberspace Engineering Installation Group, the 212th Engineering Installation Squadron, the 267th Combat Communicatio......
- 270th engineering installation squadron The unit was then rebranded in December 1982, to the designation of the 270th Engineering Installation Squadron with no change in mission or command.
- 285th civil engineering squadron The United States Air Force's "'285th Civil Engineering Squadron "'( "'285 CES "') is an Air National Guard civil engineering unit located at St Croix ANGS . It is in a two-year transition......
- 38th engineering installation wing In 2010, ESC reverted to an organization of program offices and the 38th Engineering Installation Wing ( by then a group ) was reassigned. From 1990 to 1994, as the "'38th Engineering Inst......
- a master of engineering He was the holder of a Master of Engineering degree. It is an academic degree to be differentiated from a Master of Engineering degree. Presently there are eleven post-graduate courses lea......
- aachen institute for advanced study in computational engineering science The Aachen Institute for advanced study in Computational Engineering Science ( AICES ) is a graduate school established in 2006 at the RWTH Aachen University.
- aarhus school of marine and technical engineering Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering also offer a one term elective course taught in English for both Danish and international students. Aarhus School of Marine and Technical ......
- aarhus university school of engineering The teaching is organised in three schools : the Aarhus School of Science ( ASOS ) for the science degree programmes, the Aarhus University School of Engineering ( ASE ) for the engineerin......
- abes engineering college In 2009, Academy of Business and Engineering Sciences was renamed to its present name ABES Engineering College. The company launched its first pilot project to the final year students at A......
- abrasive engineering In 1986, he also received the Man-of-the-Year Award of the Abrasive Engineering Society for contributions to abrasives and grinding technology; he was specifically cited for his invention ......
- academy award for engineering effects "' Nugent Slaughter "'( March 17, 1888 & ndash; December 27, 1968 ) provided the special effects and Academy Award for Engineering Effects.
- academy for software engineering Steel worked with the NYC Department of Education and the private sector to open the Academy for Software Engineering, a first of its kind public high school focused on the skills most in ......
- academy of engineering He was also elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1991. He was also a founding member of the National Academy of Engineering. He was a member of the United States National Acad......