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"eskdale"是什麼意思  eskdaleの例文  


  • Horn Crag stands to the south of the summit overlooking Eskdale.
  • Middlebie parish is now in the Presbytery of Annandale & Eskdale.
  • The others are Annandale and Eskdale, Nithsdale and Stewartry.
  • The club is a merger of Mitta Town and Eskdale football teams.
  • The Hardknott Pass joins Eskdale with the Duddon Valley.
  • Kentmere Hall's tower has walls, Eskdale.
  • After the war he returned to Eskdale where he farmed mink and daffodils.
  • Eskdale School in Whitby is named after the valley.
  • A natural gas accumulation is present in the Permian dolomitic limestones at Eskdale.
  • The club is based in Mitta Mitta, Victoria and Eskdale, Victoria.
  • It's difficult to see eskdale in a sentence. 用eskdale造句挺難的
  • On 27 April 2003 Hukarere relocated to the present Herepoho, Eskdale site.
  • The Senior School is located on Eskdale Terrace.
  • The Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway has two examples.
  • In Scotland, the Beatties were a reiver clan in the Langholm area of Eskdale.
  • In addition to Eskdale, Bowfell has a footing in two other well known valleys.
  • In times past Castleton was actually the main market and industrial town serving Upper Eskdale.
  • It is a minimum gauge railway based on the Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway in Cumbria.
  • A road crosses the fell between Eskdale Green and Ulpha, in the Duddon Valley.
  • Eskdale is also known for its dairy.
  • Corney is underlain by Grandiorite of the Eskdale intrusion, intruded during the Ordovician period.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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