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export formalities造句

"export formalities"是什麼意思  export formalitiesの例文  


  • Only after a license for the export of psychotropic drugs is issued to them can they go through export formalities
  • However , some trade terms require that the buyer handle export formalities and others require that the seller handle import formalities
  • This term should not be used when the buyer cannot carry out the export formalities directly or indirectly . in such circumstances , the fca term should be used , provided the seller agrees that he will load at his cost and risk
    在買方不能直接或間接的辦理出口手續時,不應使用該術語,而應使用fca ,如果賣方同意裝載貨物并承當費用和風險的話。
  • An ephedrine export enterprise must , in applying for export formalities , present the import license issued by the government of the country , region or the agency entrusted by the government of the country , region in which the foreign import firm is located and the original of the contract to the ministry of foreign trade and economic co - operation , upon examination and approval of the ministry of foreign trade and economic co - operation , submit it to the office of the national anti - drug leading group for international verification , and upon confirmation as legal , be issued an ephedrine export license by the ministry of foreign trade and economic co - operation
  • It's difficult to find export formalities in a sentence. 用export formalities造句挺難的
如何export formalities造句用export formalities造句export formalities in a sentence和export formalities的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。