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filtration area造句

"filtration area"是什麼意思  filtration areaの例文  


  • Large efficient filtration areas , large bilge receiving capacity ; designed according to water wetting and discharging principles , coalescence separation filtration medium to remove water content in oil effectively
  • As cleaning always involves only a small part of the filtration area , i . e . only a small number of filter candles are cleaned at any time , back - flushing is very fast and highly effective . filtration is not interrupted during the back - flushing process . the only moving parts are the back - flushing arm and the flow control device ; their plastic bushings re - adjust automatically and therefore wear and maintenance costs are extremely low
    反沖洗耗水量少:本機反沖時同一時間只清洗一到兩只濾芯,占整個濾芯數量的十幾到二十幾分之一,所以排污耗水量小于設計流量的5 % ,反沖洗可自動定時差壓手動切換,可編程序控制器plc控制。
  • It's difficult to find filtration area in a sentence. 用filtration area造句挺難的
如何filtration area造句用filtration area造句filtration area in a sentence和filtration area的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。