- The 9, 000-strong force still answers to Forero.
- Forero says the total has crept to 1, 800.
- Forero, 17, acknowledged that she had not always been so bold.
- Additionally, Forero has been a South America correspondent for NPR since 2006.
- By Juan Forero . 1, 500 words.
- By Juan Forero . ( With photo)
- Forero calls Barefoot Park and the hills of Nutibara and El Volador his favorite places.
- Carlos Andres Forero's family huddled around his gravestone and polished it with a cloth.
- Modesto Martinez, 48, was killed, and four people were wounded, Forero said.
- But army Maj . Rafael Forero said the military was already stretched too thin by nationwide fighting.
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- Forero praised the withdrawal, saying police could now " work with more liberty ."
- "We cannot let the violence intimidate us, " said owner Guillermo Alvarez Forero.
- "The smell, " said Jorge Forero, a firefighter from the city of Cali.
- We have dealt a harsh blow to the Teofilo Forero, a terrorist group that has sown terror,
- Forero is currently a staff writer for the Washington Post, covering both human interest and political topics.
- The musical score of the film, written by Alberto Urdaneta Forero, is also in this issue.
- It will be impossible to curtail the crime wave if police remain outgunned by heavily armed crooks, Forero said.
- The attorney general's office also said that Montano has been a member of Teofilo Forero for 10 years.
- Lt . Alfredo Forero Parra : " By that day our positions were seriously weakened by the enemy artillery fire.