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"fouet"是什麼意思  fouetの例文  


  • Since 2010, the editor in chief has been Agn鑣 Fouet ( Institut Cochin, Paris ).
  • Government officials, such as Fouet and Chomel, began to classify the curing properties of the mineral baths.
  • "The Whip and the Body " received a release in France under the title " Le Corps et le fouet " on 26 January 1966.
  • L Arbre fouet " in 1997 and, in 2000, " Moi, l'interdite ", which received the Prix Radio France du Livre de l Oc閍n Indien.
  • In Belgium, where the architectural movement began, it was sometimes termed " Style nouille " ( noodle style ) or " Style coup de fouet " ( whiplash style ).
  • An edition of the works of Prosper of Aquitaine, printed in Douai by Joannes Bogardus in 1577, was dedicated to Abbot Sarazin, as was Antonius Meyer's " Ursus, sive de rebus Divi Vedasti Episcopi Atrebatensis " ( Paris, Charles Roger, 1580 ), and much later Philippe Bosquier's " Le Fouet de l'Acad閙ie des P閏heurs " ( Arras, Guillaume de la Rivi鑢e, 1597 ).
  • It's difficult to find fouet in a sentence. 用fouet造句挺難的
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