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gravy salt造句

"gravy salt"是什麼意思  gravy saltの例文  


  • In October of that year, the complex was sold to Burdall s Ltd, a manufacturing chemist noted for its gravy salt, and it became known as " Burdall s Buildings ".
  • The gravy may be further colored and flavored with gravy salt ( a simple mix of salt and caramel food colouring ) or gravy browning ( gravy salt dissolved in water ) or ready-made cubes and powders can be used as a substitute for natural meat or vegetable extracts.
  • The gravy may be further colored and flavored with gravy salt ( a simple mix of salt and caramel food colouring ) or gravy browning ( gravy salt dissolved in water ) or ready-made cubes and powders can be used as a substitute for natural meat or vegetable extracts.
  • It's difficult to find gravy salt in a sentence. 用gravy salt造句挺難的
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