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ground breaking ceremony造句

"ground breaking ceremony"是什麼意思  ground breaking ceremonyの例文  


  • Tuen mun ferry pier reconstruction ground breaking ceremony host
  • It is with great pleasure that we welcome all of you to the ground breaking ceremony for coloplasts new factory here in zhuhai
  • After over 10 months site investigation work , a ground breaking ceremony was held yesterday ( 8 march 2000 ) to mark the commencement of construction
  • Speech english only delivered by the financial secretary , mr donald tsang , at the ground breaking ceremony for container terminal 9 on july 24 , 2000
  • Speech ( english only ) delivered by the financial secretary , mr donald tsang , at the ground breaking ceremony for container terminal 9 on july 24 , 2000
  • Changan ford mazda engine co . , ltd held the ground breaking ceremony on sept , 27th , 2005 . the company produce petrol automobile engines and reach full scale production on april , 2007
  • Changan ford mazda engine co . , ltd held the ground breaking ceremony on sept , 27th , 2005 . the company produce petrol automobile engines and reached full scale production on april , 2007
  • Changan ford mazda engine co . , ltd held the ground breaking ceremony on sept , 27th , 2005 . the company will produce petrol automobile engines and will reach full scale production in early 2007
  • Changan ford mazda engine co . , ltd held the ground breaking ceremony on sept , 27th , 2005 . the company will produce petrol automobile engines and will reach full scale production on april , 2007
  • Mr michael chan king - ming , director of hknwe said at the ground breaking ceremony : " the growing traffic between hong kong and macau validates the need for a third cross - boundary ferry service in the sar and to ensure the smooth operation of the new terminal , we have commissioned a feasibility study on the interface of road transportation with the pier , as well as an impact assessment of traffic , safety and environment on the public upon operation of the terminal .
  • It's difficult to see ground breaking ceremony in a sentence. 用ground breaking ceremony造句挺難的
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