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hand off造句

"hand off"是什麼意思  hand offの例文  


  • Take your thieving hands off my radio !
  • He took his hands off stick and raised them high .
  • Mr. harding slipped his topmost hand off the other .
  • "keep your hands off the lever," snapped the elevator boy .
  • Cato worriedly dispatched the rest of the field hands off to their work .
  • The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much ado to keep their hands off me .
  • Roger's hands off him now the fear drained and the indestructible meanness welled up .
  • What had happened underlined his strictures of the night before: we should keep hands off the middle east .
  • - be glad that i got you . - get your hand off me
  • The thing is , this one could keep his hands off me
  • It's difficult to see hand off in a sentence. 用hand off造句挺難的
  • - you leave dolly alone ! - get your hands off me
  • Are you alright ? - hands off , don ' t do silly things
    你沒事吧? -放手,別做傻事
  • - are you alright ? - hands off , don ' t do silly things
    -你沒事吧? -放手,別做傻事
  • Be glad that i got you . - get your hand off me
  • - that ' s it , far enough . - get your hands off me
  • Get your hands back . come on , get your hands off
  • - this is no joke , man . - get your hands off me , man
  • Keep your hands off me . - on the floor ! get down
    你的手別碰我. -趴在地板上!趴下
  • - keep your hands off me . - on the floor ! get down
    -你的手別碰我. -趴在地板上!趴下
  • I ' m sorry . get your hands off him , you bastards
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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