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hand on the forearm造句

"hand on the forearm"是什麼意思  hand on the forearmの例文  


  • }} Typical clinical presentation consists of a short forearm, anterior-ulnar bow of the radius and a forward subluxation of the hand on the forearm.
  • But this time, instead of bringing the stock to his cheek, he would simply point the gun barrel in the general direction of the target with his left hand on the forearm of the BB gun and at about the level of his navel.
  • It's difficult to find hand on the forearm in a sentence. 用hand on the forearm造句挺難的
如何hand on the forearm造句用hand on the forearm造句hand on the forearm in a sentence和hand on the forearm的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。