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harbour bar造句

"harbour bar"是什麼意思  harbour barの例文  


  • The only disincentive to Hokianga's exploitation was the harbour bar.
  • Tenders were also used by intermediate ports, where they could stand out to sea beyond a harbour bar and exchange passengers, without the large ship needing to enter port.
  • The opening sequence establishes Marie's situation in the harbour bar through montage : we see close-up images of her face, hands, and the table and glasses she is cleaning.
  • The Manukau Harbour Bar was first crossed in a surf boat by a crew from Piha Surf Life Saving Club who rowed from Onehunga to Piha in over five hours in high swells and stiff winds in 1992.
  • Her travels also took her to Bombay, India, where on 7 October 1937 " The Evening News of India " reviewed her opening night performance at the Harbour Bar : " She is an artist of international reputation, one of the leading personalities of Europe's entertainment world.
  • These techniques are most apparent during the first half of the film : the opening sequence establishing Marie's situation in the harbour bar through a series of close-ups of her face, her hands, the table and glasses that she is cleaning; the use of images of the sea and the port, either intercut or superimposed, to convey the yearnings of Jean and Marie; and the film's most celebrated sequence at the fairground in which a highly complex series of rhythmically assembled images charts the tension of the relationship between Marie and Petit Paul.
  • It's difficult to find harbour bar in a sentence. 用harbour bar造句挺難的
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