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hide track造句

"hide track"是什麼意思  hide trackの例文  


  • It is mysterious because it has a mystery song that suddenly appears after all the songs on the disk are played , a so - called hidden track
  • The store also sells global positioning satellite or “ gps ” systems . the store owner hid tracking devices in the kinds of equipment which were being stolen most frequently
    這家商店還銷售全球衛星定位( gps )系統。商店主人把跟蹤裝置藏在被盜竊最頻繁的那幾種設備中。
  • The store also sells global positioning satellite or “ gps ” systems . the store owner hid tracking devices in the kinds of equipment which were being stolen most frequently
  • With a root shell , the attacker could do pretty much anything , including viewing private data , deleting files , setting up a monitoring station , installing back doors with a root kit , editing logs to hide tracks , masquerading as someone else , breaking stuff accidentally , and so on
    用戶至少應該滾動8次(少于53位的安全性) 。我們建議最少10個字母(大約64位) 。在前一篇文章中我們提到過, 20次滾動應該能夠提供用于任何目的的安全性了(大約128位) 。
  • It's difficult to find hide track in a sentence. 用hide track造句挺難的
如何hide track造句用hide track造句hide track in a sentence和hide track的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。