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"hostly"是什麼意思  hostlyの例文  


  • As chairman of Hollywood Park, Hubbard was doing his hostly duty.
  • The pre-game host Brent Musburger handled his hostly duties with intelligence, minimal hype and only told us we were " looking live " four times . . ..
  • But there on NBC's " The NFL Live " was Gumbel, being hostly, giving news and updates, followed by a live report from Jim Gray from Green Bay.
  • The host, Pat O'Brien, skims along without passion and clearly knows less about his subject than Nantz, who did some hostly duties, or ESPN's Chris Fowler, Mike Tirico and John Saunders.
  • A furious Lichenstein replied that if member states felt " they are not being treated with the hostly consideration that is their due, " they should consider " removing themselves and this organization from the soil of the United States ."
  • When the United Nations committee met to review the situation, the Soviet delegate, Igor I . Yakovlev, said the ban on landing " raises the question of whether the United Nations should be in the United States . " A furious Mr . Lichenstein replied that if member states felt " they are not being treated with the hostly consideration that is their due, " they should consider " removing themselves and this organization from the soil of the United States.
  • The Chargers'Shawn Lee decking running back Eric Bieniemy in pre-game practice . . . . Why were two men toting an ice chest in a remote shot from Antarctica ? . . . Musburger handled his hostly duties well, asked good questions, kept his emotions in check and told us we were " looking live ! " four separate times . . . . In showing a panoply of bad rock, folk and rap groups " auditioned " to replace Hank Williams Jr . as the musical voice of " MNF,"
  • It's difficult to find hostly in a sentence. 用hostly造句挺難的
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