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"hoston"是什麼意思  hostonの例文  


  • Intrusive professors guided Weddle and Hoston to art majors in college.
  • And not everyone responds positively to it, says Hoston.
  • Hoston's busy pushing the cracked doors wider.
  • The village of Hoston lies about west of Vormstad.
  • The village of Hoston is located on the northeastern shore of the lake.
  • The S鴙asskj鴏en Church is located in the mountains about to the northwest of Hoston.
  • By grade school, Hoston and Weddle were dazzling their peers by drawing lifelike images.
  • For a while Weddle and Hoston's work entranced Studio Museum viewers as well.
  • The steamy tropics of Guam acted as backdrop for the courtship of Janice and Keith Hoston.
  • His jewel-colored portraits, Hoston says, " basically just show what black people do.
  • It's difficult to see hoston in a sentence. 用hoston造句挺難的
  • Flooding from Allison caused $ 5 billion in damage and paralyzed Hoston's sprawling Texas Medical Center.
  • Andrew Hoston, better known as Jupiter Gray is an American rapper and singer based in Columbus, Ohio.
  • "' Hoston "'is village in the municipality of Orkdal in S鴕-Tr鴑delag county, Norway.
  • Andrew Hoston gained the name Jupiter Gray from a friend in middle school due to his hair color being red at the time.
  • "I'm trying to convey a naturalism you don't see in a lot of paintings, " says Hoston.
  • Newsweek cited Hoston's " Hot Day In " as being among the " good stuff " in the exhibition.
  • It's James Hoston's painting of a well-dressed, middle-class sister catching a cool breeze on a hot day.
  • What are some stereotypes ? " the Rev . Jimmy Harper asks 42 teenagers sitting around his feet in the dining hall of Hoston Presbyterian Camp.
  • In fifth grade, Hoston's tiny hand sketched the fictional character of Jane Pittman from a TV Guide cover and dazzled his Long Island peers.
  • Hoston says, " I want to ( paint ) in the Western style because I haven't seen enough African-American images done very well.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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