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"huancabamba"是什麼意思  huancabambaの例文  


  • The main rivers are the Piura, the Huancabamba and the Chira.
  • The name honours herpetologist Cordillera Oriental in southern Ecuador and Cordillera de Huancabamba in northern Peru.
  • The river starts in Huancabamba Province and flows south and west into Olmos District of Lambayeque Region.
  • On the Huancabamba, in the mountains, there is a hydroelectric power station supplying energy to the region.
  • The middle course is between Huancabamba and the Pozuzo and its lower course between Pozuzo and the confluence with the river Pasco.
  • However, what was pending was whether the new border around the Jaen region should follow the Chinchipe river or the Huancabamba river.
  • The "'Huancabamba River "'has its origin in the confluence of the rivers Huaylamayo and Chontabamba in Peru.
  • Geographically, the province has a mountainous terrain crisscrossed by the rivers of the Huancabamba-Chamaya Basin, which drain towards the Mara耋n River.
  • The water supply project will transfer up to 2 billion m 3 annually of water from the Huancabamba River in the Cajamarca Region east of Lambayeque.
  • The Huancabamba Depression in which the Abra de Porculla pass is located separates the northern and southern Andes and serves as a biogeographic barrier to species movement.
  • It's difficult to see huancabamba in a sentence. 用huancabamba造句挺難的
  • Likewise, in the large mountain area shared by the provinces of Ayavaca and Huancabamba, there is a great assembly of lakes locally known as The Huarinjas or Huaringas.
  • During these conferences both parties agreed that in the west the borders should follow the rivers Tumbes, but that either the Huancabamba or the Chinchipe would be decided later.
  • ""'Lithospermum rodriguezii " "'is a flowering plant of the family Boraginaceae found in Peru, particularly in Amotape district and Huancabamba Province.
  • ""'Lithospermum leymebambensis " "'is a flowering plant of the family Boraginaceae found in Peru, particularly in Amotape district and Huancabamba Province.
  • ""'Lithospermum cuzcoensis " "'is a flowering plant of the family Boraginaceae found in Peru, particularly in Amotape district and Huancabamba Province.
  • ""'Lithospermum bolivariensis " "'is a flowering plant of the family Boraginaceae found in Peru, particularly in Amotape district and Huancabamba Province.
  • When another company began exploration in Ayabaca and Huancabamba, this elicited new conflicts and a referendum held in September 2007, in which again over 90 % of voters voted against mining.
  • Pozuzo ( Not to be confused with the District of Pozuzo ) is a small town in a valley with the river Huancabamba which, some kilometres down, changes its name to Pozuzo.
  • During the Presidency of Augusto B . Legu韆 he saw one of his most costly visions-the diversion of the Huancabamba River towards the Pacific Ocean-come close to realisation and then collapse.
  • To escape persecution, these Cajamarca, the northern highlands of Piura ( Ayabaca and Huancabamba ), among others, due to cultural and ethnic contact with people of the southern highlands of Ecuador.
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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