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jacquard loom造句

"jacquard loom"是什麼意思  jacquard loomの例文  


  • Italy . design and manufacture of raschel and jacquard loom knitted tights and pantyhoses
    -生產設計中年職業女裝,品牌“菲姿” 。
  • The main products are yta zipper needle looms , ytb narrow fabric needle looms computer jacquard looms , the ytc warping machines , festooning machines , finalizing dying machines , yte center line zipper needle looms , high speed cord knitting machines , high speed braiding machine , high speed velvet - strip machine , computerized lace knitting machine etc
    主要產品有yta 、 ytb系列織帶機、電腦提花機、 ytc整經機、包裝機、定型機、卷帶機等織帶配套系列產品, yte拉鏈中心線機,圓繩機、高速編織機、高速絨帶機、電腦花邊機等系列產品。
  • In recent years , nanjing brocade has the wondrous skill of the big platform jacquard loom as its mainstay and the full variety of brilliant - colored brocade products as its features went to the us , france , belgium , norway , japan , korea , singapore , and so forth , on display , for demonstrations of its hand - weaving operations , and for scientific and cultural exchange
  • It's difficult to find jacquard loom in a sentence. 用jacquard loom造句挺難的
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