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"jadestone"是什麼意思  jadestoneの例文  


  • Xie xiande et al . , 1999 , mineral physics of gemstones and jadestones in china . guangdong science and technology press , guangzhou
    謝先德等著, 1999 ,中國寶玉石的礦物物理學。廣東科技出版社,廣州。
  • I was over forty and was joining a chorus for the first time in my life ! as soon as i opened my mouth , the sister immediately called me an " unpolished " jadestone , and despite her repeated efforts , she failed to change me into a " polished " piece of jade
  • It's difficult to find jadestone in a sentence. 用jadestone造句挺難的
如何jadestone造句用jadestone造句jadestone in a sentence和jadestone的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。