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key cap造句

"key cap"是什麼意思  key capの例文  


  • All 120 keys are programmable ; 38 keys are relegendable with transparent key caps
    120可編程鍵, 38個可定義或編程鍵
  • All 132 keys are programmable and 44 keys are relegendable with transparent key caps
    132可編程鍵, 38個可定義或編程鍵
  • Besides its overall quality and heft , one of the things that makes this keyboard particularly good for such a mod is the fact that it has removable key caps and the under - cap has a flat surface ideal for affixing a new key top
  • It's difficult to find key cap in a sentence. 用key cap造句挺難的
如何key cap造句用key cap造句key cap in a sentence和key cap的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。