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"laborist"是什麼意思  laboristの例文  


  • On July 25 he announced publicly his right-wing Laborist Party.
  • In a laborist system, labor is treated as the critical resource of production.
  • The laborist position is perfect for the individual who desires to practice obstetrics but who wishes to avoid the aspects of an office practice.
  • After Obreg髇's death at the hands of a religious fanatic, Morones and CROM broke with the Obreg髇's Mexican Laborist Party.
  • In the article he wrote, " To improve the survivability and well-being of the obstetrician, I propose a new focus of practice for the practitioner, to be called the laborist.
  • It's difficult to find laborist in a sentence. 用laborist造句挺難的
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