- Sed et neque nec tellus lacinia placerat et non orci.
- Fulvius undertook additional projects in Pisaurum, Juno Lacinia.
- Suspendisse tellus urna, interdum et, scelerisque nec, lacinia id, odio.
- Suspendisse dolor mauris, dignissim vitae, lacinia sit amet, vestibulum at, lorem.
- Mauris non mauris eu urna lacinia molestie.
- Donec non nibh id lectus lacinia lacinia.
- Donec non nibh id lectus lacinia lacinia.
- Nunc gravida, ipsum vitae sollicitudin lacinia, est enim hendrerit mauris, vitae aliquam risus nisi vel sem.
- Nullam faucibus, elit ac lacinia suscipit, urna nisl vulputate odio, ac luctus nisl metus eu urna.
- Quisque adipiscing, justo ut ultrices scelerisque, leo ipsum lacinia arcu, id euismod arcu ante non diam.
- It's difficult to see lacinia in a sentence. 用lacinia造句挺難的
- Proin nonummy, lacus eget pulvinar lacinia, pede felis dignissim leo, vitae tristique magna lacus sit amet eros.
- }Proin nonummy, lacus eget pulvinar lacinia, pede felis dignissim leo, vitae tristique magna lacus sit amet eros.
- The Greek ambassadors, avoiding the most obvious points of disembarkment from Greece, Brindisi and Taranto, landed near Capo Colonna, in Calabria, by the temple of Juno Lacinia.
- On the cape still stands a single column of the temple erected to Hera Lacinia, which is said to have been fairly complete in the 16th century, but to have been destroyed to build the episcopal palace at Crotone.
- "' Capo Colonne Lighthouse "'( ) is situated on the extremity of the Promunturium Lacinium, nearby the single column of the Greek temple elevated in honour of " Hera Lacinia ", at from Crotone on the Ionian Sea.
- Although Romans regarded suicide as honorable in some circumstances, Fulvius's was seen as evidence of his mental instability : Livy says that " grief and fear overwhelmed his mind " ( " obruit animum luctus metusque " ); rumor had it that the wrath of Juno Lacinia had driven him mad.
- Flaccus had much of the marble roof of the Temple of Juno Lacinia in Kroton brought to Rome for use in the temple, but this led to outrage on the part of the senate, in that a censor ( responsible for public morality ) had not only partially demolished a temple belonging to one of Rome's allies, but also by doing so brought down the wrath of the gods upon Rome.