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lateral wind造句

"lateral wind"是什麼意思  lateral windの例文  


  • According to different mechanisms, there exist several types of resonance, including the bridge resonance induced by the periodical actions of moving load series of the weights, centrifugal forces and lateral winds of vehicles, the bridge resonance induced by the loading rates of moving load series of vehicles, the bridge resonance induced by the periodical loading of train vehicles excited by rail irregularities, wheel flats and hunting movements, and the vehicle resonance induced by periodical actions of the regular arrangement of bridge spans and their deflections
  • It's difficult to find lateral wind in a sentence. 用lateral wind造句挺難的
如何lateral wind造句用lateral wind造句lateral wind in a sentence和lateral wind的例句由查查漢語詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。