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mail service provider造句

mail service providerの例文  


  • In addition, 85 % of e-mail service provider sites were blocked.
  • It started supporting a documents, packaging and mail services provider Pitney Bowes the following year.
  • The term " mail service provider " was coined in the Internet Mail Architecture document RFC 5598.
  • After months of hype, Nasdaq Japan finally launched, trading just eight companies, including Nishikubo's Masternet, an Internet mail service provider.
  • Thus, when Hill saw a print ad for OmniSky, a Palo Alto-based Internet and e-mail service provider, she felt violated.
  • Nearly a year ago, the same four big e-mail service providers who filed the lawsuits promised to work together to create such a system.
  • Every time Hotmail or another e-mail service provider finds a way to detect spam, the spammer immediately has a way to get around that.
  • Thompson said that MAPS did not itself block e-mail, but rather that it keeps a list that e-mail service providers and other companies can use to decide whom they should block.
  • The takeover followed Hong Kong-based Internet portal Tom . com's $ 48 million purchase in August of mainland Chinese Web site 163 . com, one of the country's largest free e-mail service providers.
  • Harris Interactive Inc ., the nation's largest online market research company, has filed a lawsuit against America Online and other e-mail service providers charging those companies unlawfully blocked e-mail from Harris to its survey participants.
  • It's difficult to see mail service provider in a sentence. 用mail service provider造句挺難的
  • With a startup investment of $ 300, 000, they've lured over 22 million subscribers ( and an additionall 100, 000 daily ) to Hotmail, one of the Net's first free E-mail service providers and now the largest.
  • Masternet, an Internet mail service provider that transferred its shares from Jasdaq, the over-the-counter market that historically was Japan's answer to Nasdaq, provided a good example of how an inability to buy and sell might affect the market.
  • A technology agreement with Livingston Enterprises Inc, US, ( 2, 200 sites of ISPs worldwide use Livingston Internet and remote access equipment ) led to PowerTel installing the first Internet remote access site in Mumbai last month with an e-mail service provider.
  • Post offices and other mail service providers typically offer a "'mail forwarding "'service, commonly known as hybrid mail or virtual post office box services, to redirect mail destined for one location to another  usually for a given period.
  • However, have a look at http : / / www . yahoo . com / Business _ and _ Economy / Companies / Internet _ Service s / Emai l _ Providers / Free _ Email / where you will find a list of free e-mail service providers.
  • For example, Barnesandnoble . com, which works with FloNetwork and another e-mail service provider, CheetahMail, originally handled its e-mail efforts in-house, offering customers the option to sign up for e-mail newsletters on topics such as " fiction " or " bestsellers ."
  • Mail service providers can identify spammers based on a lot of factors : spammers send large numbers of messages from home computers they've broken into; they put fake headers on the messages; they operate out of known-bad or known-insecure networks; they use various tricks to try to hide their origins or to defeat simplistic anti-spam systems; they send the same message from dozens of different ( compromised ) computers; and so on.
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